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Does Coaching and Counseling by Phone Really Work?

By Dianne Ruth, CCH, PhD

How would you like 100 percent of unconditional support, love, acceptance, and attention while you tell Dianne or Judie about yourself, your concerns, your dreams, your hopes, and your goals?

This type of concentration is more available by phone because there are not the kinds of visual distractions usually present during an in-person meeting. This explains why 90 percent of all coaching is done by phone!

It has been said that 97 percent of all communication is non-verbal. Albert Mehrabian, in his comprehensive research on communication found that in a face-to-face encounter, seven percent of a verbal message comes from the words used; 38 percent is from the vocal tone, pacing, and inflection; 55 percent of the message is reflected by the speaker’s appearance and body language.

That translates into 45 percent or almost half of all communication is accomplished without any visual input at all.

Have you ever been surprised as to how much a blind person can tell about another individual? It can be absolutely astonishing! Their hearing, acuity or keenness, and perception have usually become extremely fine-tuned.

It is maintained that most of the 55 percent that is visual can be figured out by paying close attention to what is really heard.

We've had people worry that doing sessions by phone would limit communication because he or she couldn’t see the other person. In fact, a whole wealth of information about a person can often be deduced through the phone alone. 

Their emotional state, level of alertness and attentiveness are just a few of the characteristics that can be determined about a person over the phone. 

Body language would simply be another dimension of communication that can be assumed from all the other non-verbal signals.

The energy in a person's voice tells a lot. The more energy, the more “up” a person is often feeling. There is a whole continuum or voice range which can reflect a person’s sense of well-being. 

Voice tempo, pitch, and forcefulness of tone can also give clues as to a person’s emotional status. Examples include being able to tell  if the person is feeling anxious, panicky, or in pain, whether they feel shy or confident, excited or calm, whether they are angry, scared or feeling overwhelmed. A pleasant sounding voice can reflect a smiling face.

A lot can be told about how a person is breathing from his or her voice patterns and strength of tone. The breath and emotions are directly related.

For example, when an individual is trying to stuff their feelings, their breathing tends to be shallower, their talking style gets a little flatter, words are more clipped, and there is more tension in the voice. 

Alternately, when a person is thrilled, the breathing will be quicker and stronger, the voice will be more animated, and breathing will be more rapid.

Here is an illustration. Suzy is speaking a little more quickly than usual—she has a slightly higher pitch to her voice, and you can almost hear the suppressed laughter between the lines, 

to continue reading "Does Coaching or
Holistic Counseling by Phone Really Work?"...

How to Create Sacred Space for Your Phone Sessions
What are the Pros and Cons of Phone Sessions?



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