The Healing Tree
The above article written by Judie Keys appeared in "Vision Magazine." A legible copy follows: Moving Beyond the Trials of Breast CancerJudie KeysIt was springtime and I was looking forward to the change: I was moving from Denver to San Diego, but before I could indulge in the enjoyment of it all, there was one little problem. I had discovered a lump in my breast. I have always had cystic breasts, so when I found the lump I figured it was just a cyst. but there was a part of me--my intuition--that felt it could be something more. I decided to have it checked out. My doctor looked at the lump and decided I should have a needle biopsy. He was fairly confident that it was simply some liquid that needed to be drained--nothing to be too concerned about. I, on the other hand had become fearful. the specialist performed a needle biopsy, the results being negative. I was pretty much home free, although my doctor wanted to see me once more for a follow-up. All my life I've been very in tune with my body as I am a healer. As a hypnotherapist, medical intuitive, and Reiki Master, I usually know when something is wrong. Fear has always been a red flag for me. My doctor, however, thought I was just being negative; that my anxiety was not warranted. After all, statistics show that lumps do not usually become cancer. One month later, and the lump hadn't changed--the biopsy came back negative once again. The doctor still didn't seem too alarmed, but felt we should investigate further. I was given the option of having a needle biopsy or a lumpectomy--the lumpectomy providing a quicker answer. Even as he was removing the lump, he said it didn't look like cancer. The next day I received the bad news. My first thought was that I was going to die. The fact that it was small and that I had caught it early did little to quell my fears. In the months to follow, my emotions were all over the chart. Some days I felt positive, some days I surrendered to stages of deep depression. I thought, "Why did this have to happen to me? I don't deserve this." I had to go in for another, much deeper surgery to clean around the edges, to get a biopsy on my sentinel node, and to make sure the cancer hadn't spread. The doctors explained that on a scale of one to four, I was a one. The cancer was small, and hadn't had time to spread. I was very fortunate that I went in when I did. My fear of the surgery was in a way much scarier than having the disease. So, before the surgery, I prepared myself emotionally. I made the decision to be proactive in my treatment, requesting that I be able to listen to a healing hypnosis audiotape during my surgery. I also asked my doctor not to say anything negative during the process. I learned in hypnosis school that negative thoughts from surgeons in the past had caused some people to have negative outcomes. I also carried my favorite crystal to aide my healing. After the surgery, I awoke ready to go home. The nurses asked, "What are you doing awake?" To which I replied, "What do you mean?" They answered, "You're supposed to be asleep for another two hours." I later found out the quicker you come back the better. I believe that along with my faith, the healing tape and crystal sped my recovery. I also used imagery and Emotional Freedom Techniques (a process I teach many of my clients), which helped me heal. I was lucky; I only needed four rounds of chemotherapy. My doctor said once I had chemotherapy I would lose my hair within three weeks. I used herbs and aromatherapy to try to ward off the affects of the chemo. I never realized how attached I was to my hair until I started to lose it. My hair stayed until the end of three weeks. It was very traumatic, but it was a great lesson. I found the beauty inside myself was much more important. I would take a shower and clumps of my hair would fall into my hands. My partner cut her hair off so that she would understand what I had to go through. It was strange to look into the mirror and no longer recognize myself. After my second chemotherapy session, I made the move to San Diego. I arrived in September, and endured my last two treatments while living in a hotel (not the most ideal conditions). With each appointment the nausea worsened, but by October, I was relieved to be done. But then...I was informed that I would have to endure radiation for five days a week, for six weeks. That was another battle. I thought by the time I completed my radiation, I would be back to my old self, but it actually took several months just to get my energy back to normal. I also found during this time that I as suffering from "chemo brain." It was hard to multi-task, my memory wasn't as it was before, and I was also in the midst of building a new practice in a new place. It all seemed so overwhelming. The effects of my "chemo brain" have improved and it has now been over a year since my initial surgery. Every day I have gotten stronger and stronger by using acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic sessions, and my own hypnotherapy. The most important thing is that I caught it early and
made decisions that were based on fact. I spent time on the Internet
researching my different options. I feel that the use of alternative
therapies combined with the American Medical Association's
recommendations is what saved my life. And today, I consider myself free
of cancer, not just in remission. We honor your race, religion, culture, and way of life. We welcome adults in consensual, sane and safe, alternative sexual and other lifestyles.